Issue 26 Magic Summer 2007
Table of Contents
This issue, with a themed section on Magic guest-edited by London-based artist Jonathan Allen, is 128 pages and includes a pull-out poster by Implicasphere.
* Inventory / Talk to the Hand
Brian Dillon
Deciphering the language of gesture
* A Minor History Of / Aquatic Ambulism
Joshua Foer
The sport of God
* Colors / Olive
Dziga Lovechild
Kind of conceptual
* Object Lesson / Lost Object
Celeste Olalquiaga
What can be said about what Breton loved?
* The Porcupine Illusion
George Prochnik
Freud’s prickly secret
* The Illusionistic Magic of Geometric Figuring
Margaret Wertheim
Virtual reality, medieval-style
* Stripes
Belly up to the bars
* Simmering Statecraft
Sandy Isenstadt
Politics amid the pots and pans
* Artist Project / Kitchen I & II
Terence Gower
* The Real Thing
Joshua Glenn
The Coke bottle and the third way
* The Bitter Scribe of Quail Springs
Sandy Zipp
John Samuelson's Rocks
* Marking Territory
Sarah Whitney Womack
Into the jungle with man's best friend
* The Barber Trial: Sivan vs. Finkielkraut
Thomas Keenan and Eyal Weizman
An analysis of the libel case
* Sivan vs. Finkielkraut
A translation of the trial transcript
* Deceptionists at War
Jonathan Allen
Martial magic
* Perspective Correction
Greg Allen
The beguiling stagecraft of American politics
* Image Magic
Alexander Nagel
Idol hands are the devil's tools
* Artist Project / Legerdemains
Ruth Claxton
* Black Herman's African American Magical Synthesis
Yvonne P. Chireau
Between folklore and vaudeville
* Modern Enchantments: An Interview with Simon During
Sina Najafi and Simon During
Secular magic and the modern cultural imagination
* Impossible Return
Adrian Heathfield
Watching Tommy Cooper die, again
* Alive at Both Ends
Paul Kieve
A brief history of magic's most famous illusion
* I Can See Your Ideology Moving
Sally O'Reilly and Ian Saville
Ventriloquizing Marx
* Artist Project / Tommy Angel
Jonathan Allen
* Protean Fakirs
Shreeyash Palshikar
Indian magic's new superstar
* Koringa: From Biknar to Blackpool
Vanessa Toulmin
* Currencies of Wonder
Tim Reed
Magicians make money
* Rule 13
Edwin A. Dawes
David Devant's illusion
* Spell Check
Craig Conley
A brief glossary of magic words
* Postcard / The Mystery Card
Scott Penrose
* Bookmark / Perforation Curse
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